Apr 30, 2020, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
As individuals and organizations worldwide cope with the impact of COVID-19, the need for nonprofits, the work they perform, and relief they provide, become that much more critical.
Yet many nonprofits currently struggle with collaboration and coordination, making an already stressful situation feel dire. Luckily, nonprofits can harness technology to unlock the power of their teams in pursuit of advancing their missions—no matter where those teams may carry out their work. How? We'll show you.
In this webinar on April 30, 2020 at 8am PT, you’ll hear how Wildlife Conservation Society, Islamic Relief Canada and NetHope are using Asana, a work and project management platform, to better plan, manage, connect, and execute the critical work they do. You'll see a demo of how Asana can improve your organization's collaboration at HQ, in the field, and everywhere in between. There will also be time for a live Q&A to go even more in-depth.